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Menuebutton Schloss Reichenau an der Rax



On the occasion of numerous exhibitions you can visit the historical premises of the castle.

In 2002 when the castle was renovated by the architect DI Gerhard Lindner, rarest stencil paintings dating from the early 19th century were found. They were replenished and renewed. Thanks to these paintings, which must be protected, nearly every room on the ground floor gets a stamp.

The following premises can be rented:

We are sure that one of these premises fits perfectly well to your expectations and we do look forward to your visit
Mr. Richard Tauchner (chief officer)
Hauptstrasse 63
First floor, room 7
Phone: 02666/52206 - 13


Mag. Sabine Tauchner
Hauptstrasse 63
Ground floor, room 1
phone: 02666/52206 - 21


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